High up in an isolated mountain cave, uninvaded by radio, television or other civilized means of communication, lives an elderly recluse who has never heard of, listened to, or seen The Limeliters. This hermit is virtually unique among inhabitants of the North American continent. Anyone less antisocial has certainly been exposed to the Limeliters - through recordings, radio, television or innumerable personal appearances. As the fastest-rising singing and comedy act in show business, as top recording artists and as singing spokesmen for several nationally advertised products, they are very nearly unavoidable.
Of course, avoiding the Limeliters is a feat akin to flagpole sitting: difficult, perhaps, but also pointless, unproductive and mildly insane. After all, this is undoubtedly the funniest and most talented musical group to come down the entertainment pike in many years.
This album was recorded before a group of 3,000 San Franciscans who were making absolutely no effort to avoid the Limeliters. As a matter of fact, their enthusiasm over the performances of Lou Gottlieb, Alex Hassilev and Glenn Yarbrough makes it obvious that the reverse is true: they were deliberately standing directly in the path of this entertainment juggernaut and enjoying every minute of it. As a reward for their courage and good judgment, the audience was treated to an evening of fine humor and finer music.
The Limeliters' repertoire is drawn from the vast international reservoir of folk music and from the fertile minds of Lou, Alex and Glenn. Assembled with the infinite care of master craftsmen, the act is presented in a driving, explosive, but thoroughly polished and sophisticated style. It is a rare combination of authenticity and modernism.
For anyone who is not, as yet, aware of the existence or capabilities of the Limeliters, this is an excellent opportunity to come out of that cave! All others will listen to this album expecting great entertainment and will remain completely undisappointed.
Source: Liner Notes for The Slightly Fabulous Limeliters
Western Wind; Medley: Hard Travelin'', Mount Zion; Lass from the Low Country; Gunslinger; curimau; Vikki Dougan; Aravah, Aravah; Whistling Gypsy; The Time of Man; Harry Pollitt; Hard Ain't It Hard; Mama Don't 'Low
© 1961 Radio Corporation of America. Used by permission.
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