Originally released by RCA Victor in 1962, this album was re-released in 1973 by RCA Educational Records; in 1974 as "This Train - A Folk Song Festival" - RCA Camden; again in 1977 or 1978 by Brass Dolphin; in 1989 by West Knoll Records, again in 1995, and most recently by Brass Dolphin in 1998.
These liner notes are from the West Knoll Records release.
The clear, innocent sound of children's voices raised in joyous song has an irresistable appeal all by itself. When you add to this the further advantage of The Limeliters with their full-throated good spirits,you would have to have a heart of stone not to be moved by the result.
This album was recorded during Christmas week, 1961, at the Berkeley Community Theater, Berkeley, California. The Christmas vacation of seventy children from the various Berkeley elementary schools had been utilized for numerous rehearsals. The performance itself took place in the afternoon of December 29, 1961; it was a benefit for the Music Department of the Berkeley school system, as well as an opportunity to record The Limeliters in unusual and delightful circumstances.
"I cannot tell you what a kick it was to sing with those children, " Lou Gottlieb says. "The sound of their voices was -- and I know this seems corny but it is true -- simply an inspiration to us. Dr. Blakeslee and Mrs. Wood of the school system were wonderful, cooperative and indispensable. If we were successful at all, great credit is due to them as well as the lovely voices of the seventy children."
The Limeliters, ever since they first sang together, have had fun and have been good fun. This album adds another dimension to the enjoyment we get from their music.
Dr. Earle Blakeslee, head of the Berkeley schools Music Department, labored far beyond the call of duty in setting up the program with Lou Gottlieb, Glenn Yarbrough and Alex Hassilev. Mrs. Harriet Wood, principal of the Emerson School in Berkeley, served unselfishly as choirmaster during the rehearsals and the final performances. (A Second show was given in San Francisco at the Masonic Memorial Auditorium to share the pleasure of the children's singing with the residents of that city.)
Source: Liner Notes from Through Children's Eyes:
Tracks: This Train, Marty, Hey Jimmy Joe John Jim Jack, The Whale, Grace Darling, Morningtown Ride, Join Into the Game, I had a Mule, Lollip Tree, Run Little Donkey, The Riddle Song, Stay on the Sunny Side, B-A Bay, America the Beautiful, This Land is Your Land
© 1989 West Knoll Records. Used by permission.
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